In the heart of the Vosges, at the frontier between Alsace and Franche-Comté, is where the Montée Historique International of the Ballon d’Alsace takes place. It is a unique way of celebrating the history of the motor-car by showing off the performance of our old vehicles on our picturesque mountan roads. It is an exciting experience , a mixture of passion for classic cars and love of motorsport.
2023 saw our first assembly at Belfort and it was an immediate success. Gathered at the foot of the Lion in the Arsenal place, at the heart of the historic centre, the feld of runners was literally invaded by a huge crowd of public who came to see the drivers and their machines, recalling the rich automobile history to which Belfort and the region are so attached.
A few paces from the Hotel de Ville, the restaurants and shops, one could not imagine anywhere better for the teams and their entourages. So we have decided to repeat this formula in 2024 , with the exceptional course of 12.7kms starting at Lepuix/Malvaux and finishing at the summit ,offering an unrivalled driving experience with satisfaction guaranteed.
You will find the familiar forms for enrolment, Classic, Vintage and All Inclusive , with particular mention of the Pre-War which will benefit from certain privileges………..
Come and join us, therefore, on Friday 16th, Saturday 17th, and Sunday 18th of August 2024.
Your enthusiastic Organiser,
Jean-Pierre Munsch.
Im Herzen der Vogesen, an der Grenze zwischen dem Elsass und der Franche-Comté, findet die historische Auffahrt auf den Ballon d'Alsace statt. Eine einzigartige Art, die Geschichte des Automobils zu feiern.
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