Sunday 18/8/2024

The D465 ascending the Ballon d’Alsace will be closed on
Sunday 18/8/2024 from the crossroads in the centre of LEPUIX with the D12 route de Lure , as far as the summit on the Vosges side opposite the Demineurs.
The D466 route coming from Sewen will also be barred at the junction with the D465.

montee historique ballon dalsace uncategorized unnamed 4
63 (2) (Copier)


Closure at 06h00.
Re-open between 19h00 and 20h00.

Authorised passages

The residents , the people who are employed to work on this day, and the emergency services notably medical aid will be authorised to pass under certain conditions.
Please address your concerns to Lionel who is in charge of security, using the section Contact on this website.