As in 2023, the finish will be at the summit in front of the Hôtel du Sommet.
The regrouping park is 100 m from the summit on the Vosges side (see maps in the pilots tab).
Checks on Friday 16, Saturday 17 and climbs on Sunday 18 August 2024
Friday Saturday at Lepuix
Parc d’Assistance (opposite salle Polyvalente)
Friday – Saturday in Belfort in the heart of the Historic City Arsenal car park
Sunday departure from Lepuix (service park and lunch)
You will be called to the Pre-Grid at 7.45am on Sunday morning (first car at the start at 8.15am).
Friday – Saturday
Saturday 17th
Sunday the 18th
Friday Saturday
At the request of our host, the town of Belfort, a parade through the town will be held on Saturday. Departure at 6.15pm, maximum distance 4km, with escort.
We’re counting on your participation
Parade participants will be invited to a reception at Hôtel de Ville at 7.15pm, generally in the main courtyard.
It will be at the summit behind the information point opposite the Démineurs bar, as it will be in 2023.
100 m after the finish, in the middle of the bars and terraces
(see pilot/plan tab)
As in 2023, under the VIP Area marquee next to the start for Vintage, ALL Inclusive and Avant Guerre,
and a multi-purpose hall opposite the service park for the other categories.
Once you have presented your vehicle for checking in Belfort, you can return to Lepuix and leave your vehicle (car + trailer) at the service park.
A shuttle bus can take you back to Belfort.
You have two options:
In Lepuix, opposite the salle polyvalente, electricity supply available for motorhomes and camping cars.
Sanitary facilities available in the village hall.
Saturday evening saw the organisation of a Garden Party under small marquees in a corner of the Arsenal,
Country atmosphere,
There will be a dozen buffet points dotted around the area, alongside the Open Bar.
Im Herzen der Vogesen, an der Grenze zwischen dem Elsass und der Franche-Comté, findet die historische Auffahrt auf den Ballon d'Alsace statt. Eine einzigartige Art, die Geschichte des Automobils zu feiern.
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