Everything you need to know should be available under the various headings of this Guide for Spectators.
If there is something you cannot find, please write to us under the heading CONTACT.
Technical inspections (scrutineering) will start on Friday 16/8 at 14h30.
Saturday 17/8 Belfort Parking Arsenal
Access is FREE all the weekend.
Friday and Saturday are your opportunity to get close to the cars and drivers, moments not to be missed for enthusiasts.
Important: The Route du Ballon will be closed on
Sunday 18/8 from 06h30 in the morning.
Im Herzen der Vogesen, an der Grenze zwischen dem Elsass und der Franche-Comté, findet die historische Auffahrt auf den Ballon d'Alsace statt. Eine einzigartige Art, die Geschichte des Automobils zu feiern.
Ich melde mich an
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Liste der angemeldeten Teilnehmer
Infos für Zuschauer
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