A historic hillclimb commemorating an old motor race, with priority given to old competition cars in all categories.
Vehicles built before 31/12/1982 are admitted, those at least 30 years old are eligible.
Scale cars, protos and single-seaters are admitted under the same conditions. The organiser reserves the right to set the number of vehicles admitted in each category and to exclude from the event vehicles that are dangerous or in poor condition, as well as crews that are not in keeping with the ethos of the event.
There will be a very limited number of places on the 5 Prestige grid, for prestige cars of any age, and admission will be by application. Candidates must register for the Vintage or All Inclusive formula.
Cars that are at least 25 years old, in a presentation similar to their sporting past, which they will have to justify, may be admitted to Plateau 5. Candidates must register for the Vintage or All Inclusive formula.
The maximum total number of participants is set at 180.
Im Herzen der Vogesen, an der Grenze zwischen dem Elsass und der Franche-Comté, findet die historische Auffahrt auf den Ballon d'Alsace statt. Eine einzigartige Art, die Geschichte des Automobils zu feiern.
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