In the heart of the Vosges, at the frontier between Alsace and Franche-Comté, is where the Montée Historique International of the Ballon d’Alsace takes place. It is a unique way of celebrating the history of the motor-car by showing off the performance of our old vehicles on our picturesque mountan roads. It is an exciting experience , a mixture of passion for classic cars and love of motorsport.
Dear enthusiasts,
Already the 9th edition of this historic international Montée du Ballon d’Alsace.
After the incredible success of 2023 and 2024 in Belfort, why change a winning formula?
9/10 is the rating given to our organization by the Drivers and crews in the responses to our questionnaire last September!
However, in order not to lose our good habits, we have still decided to try some improvements, the details of which you will find in the PILOT tab / new features 2025.
To facilitate registrations, we are introducing a new DUO CLASSIC formula, quite simply the Classic formula with a co-pilot who benefits from the same advantages as the Pilot.
The pre-war will still benefit from the special regime.
For your Palate, we recommend our gastronomic Gala evening.
For your adrenaline fix, we recommend that you come and consume the 12.7 km of our route, a natural cocktail where you will find all the driving profiles
What if you started by checking off August 8-9-10, 2025 in your diary?