2024 Success

montee historique ballon dalsace news img 5420

A quick look back at this International Historic Climb of the Ballon d’Alsace

Already the 8th edition for which the Historically team had set itself the common thread, why change a formula that works

It was therefore no surprise that the city of Belfort hosted the event on August 16 and 17 on the magnificent Place de l’Arsenal at the foot of the famous Lion in the city center.

Some 160 crews were registered, which supplied the Administrative and Technical Checks on Friday afternoon and Saturday to the great delight of the spectators.

The public was very present on these 2 days, certainly more than 10,000 people continuously filled the competitor park, like on a fairground. The drivers, always available, played the game, answering the many questions and requests for photos.
A great atmosphere of sharing passion, which was reflected by the smiling faces under a beautiful sun.

Saturday late afternoon, after a precise and quick briefing, departure for the long-awaited moment of the parade, a 4 km journey through the streets of Belfort to finish in the historic center. The Drivers are asking for more, the spectators too. It was not unusual to see them massed in three, four rows applauding the cars.

Sunday change of place and change of climate.
The departure in Lepuix and the entire climb were watered by persistent rain, accompanied by big clouds. The fog reminded us that we were indeed in the Vosges mountains, from 1000 m visibility was very reduced.
What can we say about the road surface, made very slippery, it was sporty for the great happiness of some, especially the Belgian teams, used to this type of grip, they were having a great time

Nevertheless, 4 climbs took place allowing the most perceptive Drivers to cover a little over 50 km on closed roads, a score in the historic climbs.
In terms of structures, the new improvised park on the back of the football field thanks to the friendly complicity of the Giro-Lepuix Football Club was unanimous. A very flat stabilized ground, wide paths, a very precise layout plan welcomed around 80 teams equipped with marquees, camper vans, etc. The others who had only come with a tray were able to accommodate it in the large neighboring field.

New all the same, a year without improvement does not exist at Historally, the VIP area had found its place right at the starting line. Two large marquees, a refreshment bar, the meal served on site, and the show before your eyes, a real pleasure that all the guests appreciated.

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